I've lost one side of my ear-ring again!!!
This is the 2nd time that I've lost one side of my NEW ear-ring.
Maybe I only have fate to wear all my NEW ear-ring once.
That's very sad huh.
"If you can solve your problem, then what is the need of worrying? If you cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying?" ~ Shantideva
Feeling sick since yesterday noon. Went in & out of toilet so many times till I can't remember.
Having fever too...
Yesterday evening : 37.5 degree celsius
This morning : 38.5 degree celsius!!!
Went in & out of toilet for 4 times within 1 hour this morning!
Therefore, finally decided not to attend work & went to see the doctor
The doctor said I ate the wrong stuffs. What did I eat for lunch yesterday?
Hmmm.... Maybe the culprit is the tuna sandwich which I made for myself!
My mum laughed at me for trying to save money for lunch yet in the end I still have to pay $22 to see the doctor for eating the wrong stuffs!
Life's hard.... *sigh*
"You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients." Julia Child
Oh no! 6 days more to go yet I still haven't get ready my x'mas gifts!!!!
I really have no idea what to get for my gift exchange session.
*cracking brain*
I prefer to get stuffs that are practical & useful but aren't easy to get nice, affordable, practical stuffs. True? True?
Went shopping at JP with my parents on saturday & we spent $114.41 on John Little alone!!!
Hmmm.. Me & my mum bought affordable Maybelline cosmestics there hee hee, my dad bought 2 shirts & we got a box of Hush Puppies brief for my elder brother.
That was all! So little yet all added up to $114.41!
Stop this inflation!!!
I really can't buy much with $50 now!!!
Feel so broke suddenly...
"We wish you a Merry X'mas, we wish you a Merry X'mas..."
So boring!!!
The part time job I'm working now is damn boring cos I'm the only person tending the booth & I really feel like an idiot standing there, smiling at everyone I see. *Sigh* I feel like I'm selling *smile* to earn that pathetic income. Luckily, those guys who tend the booths nearby always come & chat with me or else I really feel like dying there, bored to death!!!!
If you guys have the intention of going to Big Boyz Toyz fair, come & look for me!!!!! However, in my own opinion, it's a waste of $10 entrance fee to visit this fair, might as well go to the SITEX fair which is Free of Charge & has more things to see!!!
I really hate the dress code for this part time job, no Jeans!!!!! My favourite attire is t-shirt & jeans & my boss has forbidded me to wear jeans!!!!
Still have 2 days to go.........!!!!!!!! KILL ME!!!!
"Life is really boring."
Attended a wedding dinner at Sentosa Shangri-La Hotel today & luckily I managed to catch their ROM ceremony by the sea on time, it was really romantic!
The pretty bride was my old neighbour, know her since I was about 5 years old. We attended the same kindergarten, primary school & secondary school but we are not really that close. As for the bridegroom, he was my ex-classmate, know him since I was 13 years old. Actually, I'm closer to him than to his bride coz we were in the same class during secondary 3 & 4 & we are both the crappy types of people so can clicked quite well. Ha ha!
My old neighbour + My ex-classmate = Blissful Marriage !!! (Haha my new formula)
I guess nobody had imagine they will get married to each other one day during secondary school time! It seems like I had watch this couple growing up from small little kids to husband & wife now, sounds amazing right?!
I'm really happy for this newly wedd couple & wishing them "live happily ever after in the castle of their own."
During the dinner, I was arranged to sit with my ex-classmates, all from the same class as me during secondary 3 & 4 & I happened to sit beside one ex-classmate who I used to had a crush on! (By the way, he said I'm getting prettier! Haha! *shy*) In the washroom, Karen kept asking me whether am I feeling nervous sitting beside him & I replied NO!!! That crush was donkey years back & it was a short term crush only!!! Anyway, it's was really nice to be able to gather with them again & had a lot of fun talking about those funny & interesting incidents that happened in our class. 3E5/4E5 Rox!!!
However, there was this one ex-school mate who kept spoiling my mood, she said hurting words at the first moment she saw me! She said, " Hey, you getting fatter leh!" My mood sank to the bottom when I heard this!!! Karen consoled me that it's her character of being so straight & asked me not to take it to heart BUT she said something worse when she came to our table in the middle of the dinner, she said, " You are really getting fatter leh & it's that glutton type of fat! you know, glutton!?" Oh my goodness! Even Karen also couldn't stand it! Hey! it really sounds so insulting to hear these from someone who is fatter than me!
Anyway, when my ex-crush asked me to eat more, I told him that someone already said I'm fat , he said, "who? who? Is it him? (he pointed at my another ex-classmate who was of course innocent) If he say you fat then you tell him his head is so big!" Ha ha, he was so humorous & really brightened up my mood. Actually, if I didn't remember wrongly this was the first time I ever talked so much with him. Quite fruitful huh! Ha ha!
"Cherish all your happy moments: they make a fine cushion for old age." ~ Christopher Morley
Tomorrow is my buddy's birthday so she arranged her celebration to be held in Club MoMo today. Haven't been clubbing for almost 9 months & it was the first time that I went to Club MoMo. Held high expectation for Club MoMo but it disappointed me, the music there was really sucks! They kept playing the same kind of music throughout the whole night. It was so boring!
However, I got to know a lot of my buddy's friends but I can only remember 1 person's name, I had forgotten the rest of them! Ha ha!!!
Got approached by a few 21 years old guys who thought I was only 20 years old! Ha ha should I feel happy? I did!
On the way to S11 for supper, we met our ex-school mate who happened to eat supper there. It was such a coincidence! We chatted till around 5am & then we took a taxi back home together. I reached my place around 5.45am & I met a few guys near my block & there was this guy (think around 18 years old) who was walking in front of me, not bad looking wearing hip hop style, kept turning his head to look at me. I wondered what he was thinking at that moment!!! I was so scared that he thought I was those bar girl who had knocked off & was heading home! Actually, I know it was really weird to see a girl at that time of the day but it was also quite weird to see them at that time of the day!
I was really dead beat!!!! Nobody was able to wake me up that morning for breakfast! Ha ha!!!
"Life is just a mirror, and what you see out there, you must first see inside of you. "~Wally 'Famous' Amos
Feel so slack these few days, I can't find any other jobs except one that starts next week & only lasts for 4 days, which mean I can't earn much from it!
Went to library yesterday while waiting for my mum who was doing free health thermal bed massage. Haven't been reading novel for quite some time so I borrowed 4 novels, 3 chinese romance novels & 1 english story book which was by Roald Dahl.
Talking about Roald Dahl, he reminded me of "BFG", "Matilda" & "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". They are children's books, right? Thus, automatically, I will think Roald Dahl as a children's book author, am I right to think that way? The book I had borrowed yesterday, which is "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life", with a cute cartoon cow on the coverpage which looks like it was written for children but when I started reading the first few pages, I was stunned! It wrote about the process of a cow & bull mating & was written quite precisely. I really couldn't believe that it was written for children! Imagine a ten years old kid reading it, oh my goodness! Am I really wrong to think that Roald Dahl is a children's book author? But the book is full of pictures and medium sized words, so I can't be wrong. Maybe you will say, mating is a very natural process but I still don't think it should be included in a children novel. Nevertheless, I will finish reading it, I might be wrong & I really hope my perception of this book is wrong coz I really like Roald Dahl's works!
Anyway, I decided to change to read the chinese novel first, it was really nice reading a novel in the room alone with no one disturbing you & I managed to finish reading one novel today, it has a sad ending. Sigh... even the unrealistic world can't give me an unrealistic dream. Realistic world is already very cruel & unrealistic world still wanna add in my misery. Still, it was a nice novel.
Bought the clothes that I'm going to wear for my friend's wedding (I feel so broke now!). Really need to slim down a bit to look nice on it.
Actually, I had intended to go jogging around 6pm today but the weather forbidded me to do so, it started to rain about 4pm. I think the "weather" does not want me to slim down. *sobs* *sobs*
I hate Rain!!!
I like this Rain!!!
Especially this Rain...
Ha Ha! I know I know! Too many Rain recently, just can't help it... he's toooooo cute!!!
"I do I do wanna spend my life with you" Lyrics in I Do by Rain (hee hee hee)
Went to fetch my buddy today with Karen & my buddy's boyfriend. She has finally graduated after 2 years studies in Brisbane & she's going to be a future landscape architect.
*Sigh* My mum reminded me that I still have 1-1/2 years to go & that's really old when I graduated. However, it's really contradicting whenever I ask myself whether do I enjoy studying. Actually, I really do love the free time I have after class, gaining new knowledge & doing projects but I really hate to take exams! My brain is never meant for exams. Why can't the system change to 100% project based? haha! In my dreams, maybe!
Anyway, back to the topic, after fetching my buddy, we went for dinner at ES, Holland Village. This was the first time I ever met such a soft spoken waiter! Ha ha, you could never imagine how soft & gentle he spoke, I hardly could hear what he said even though he was just beside me!
At there, I ordered a Fish & Chips but they gave me an OILY Fish & Chips... I think I have to go jogging or swimming tomorrow to burn away that sinful fats. SO SINFUL!
By the way, I really hope my Chingu is not feeling blue anymore... please be happy, ok!!!
"Sometimes life's shadows are caused by our standing in our own sunshine." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Yeah! I had finally finished watching Full House, 浪漫满屋 (풀하우스) !
It took me about 17 hours to finish watching it.
Love this romance story! Love the casts! Love the house! Love the Bears Family song! Love the ghostly call of Lee Young-jae! Simply love everything in this drama! Ha ha!
This house belong to Han Ji-eun & Lee Young-jae. Nice right? Click this link to see the interior decorations! This house is really beautiful.
The casts in this drama acted very well, especially Song Hye-kyo & Rain. They made me laugh real hard & made me cry so many times *sobs* *sobs* & they really look super cute in this drama!
Ha ha! Isn't Rain cute???!!!
Highly recommended to people who love korean drama. Hmm.. I'm gonna watch 2nd time!!! AJA AJA! FIGHTING!
Oh my god! I'm feel so bloated now!!!
Just came home with a bloated stomach from Heeren Sakae sushi buffet!!!
I ate 7 plates of sushi, 1 handroll, 1 chawanmushi & drank 2 cups of green tea... & this linner (lunch + dinner) cost me $17.20, consider cheap? Nevertheless, I had a wonderful meal! Ha ha!
Today is really a fruitful day! Firstly, it is the last day of my paper!!!! Secondly, today is Chu Xian's birthday eve and lastly, we heard a wonderful news which is, Miss Yujia, my friend is finally and happily attached to a future doctor!!! Triple happiness!!! However, one demoralising news is that I still have to prepare for my JLPT 4 which will be held on 4th December & by hook or by crook, I MUST pass this test.
Tomorrow I will have another lunch date with the same group of friends excluding that Miss Charlotte coz she will be working. We are going to have a steamboat session tomorrow...Yummy!!! After my steamboat session, I will be going for an interview for a part time job, really hope to get that job coz I'm really very broke! Hee hee
"Happiness: a good bank account, a good cook and a good digestion. "
Tomorrow is my last paper! Yay!!!
I'm not even halfway done with my revision!!! Argggggg.......
The moment I had memorised THIS, I forgot THAT...
Then I memorised THAT again, I forgot THIS!!!
Sigh... never ending revision. I can NEVER memorise notes even if you give me 10 years...
Conclusion: My brain is never meant for memorising!
"Doing easily what others find difficult is talent; doing what is impossible for talent is genius."
Will be having a small little party after my Japanese class later! Sounds fun right?! Everyone has to bring something for the party and I decided to make fruits agar agar as it is less time consuming hee hee.
Woke up early today to buy the ingredients and it took me around 1 hour to finish making 2 big agar agar. They look very beautiful (I used pretty agar agar moulds) and delicious but I don't know how they will taste like. Maybe they will not be sweet enough coz I had added too little sugar. The instructions written on the packet said I must add 250g of sugar (about 10 dessert spoons)!!! Sounds too scary to me so I decided to add only about 4 dessert spoons of sugar. I really don't want to get diabetics so young!!!
Did a bit of aerobics and hula hoop yesterday, it was the first time I exercise for the past 8 months! I wanna buy pretty clothes for all the wedding dinners I will be attending so must slim down at least by 5kg!!! Not much time left!!! Must work harder and eat lesser!!!
"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all. "
Felt so tired looking at my MOR notes...
So... I decided to cast my notes aside and I did these...
Nice??? Hee hee I made these flowers for Chu Xian as special birthday gift.
Later at night, I felt bored and tired again...
So... I decided to cast my notes aside and I did this...
Ha ha... does she looks like me???
This was how I spent my day. Quite boring huh?
"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. "
Having tough time studying for my exam and JLPT now!!!
Really trying very hard to study for my exam but seems hard to concentrate recently. No matter how I try, I just couldn't seem to memorise those notes into my brain!!! Ah~~~~
Anyway, 2 weeks later I will be free from exam and have to start searching for money to pay for my bills. Ha ha. Who wanna offer me part time job?!
I also wanna earn more money for overseas trip(s) too! I wanna go Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan and all around the world!!! So sad that I'm unable to afford for the trip to Brisbane this December which my buddies and I had planned long ago. However, we have decided to go Taipei next year instead. Pray Hard!!!
My brother, who is in Shanghai now also asked the whole family to visit him next year and I really wish to go! I really have to earn more more money during this vacation to pay for the air tickets.
Have to stop thinking about money now... need to get back to my notes ...
"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it."
Henry David Thoreau
Did some interesting quiz from, so fun!
These are my results:
1. How do I sleep?You, my friend, are a lazy sleeper! As far as you are concerned, sleeping and lounging about are the most incredible things on earth. You love just sitting back and watching everyone buzzing around with their busy lives. Its not that youre stupid or dont care, on the contrary, you are quite intelligent when you want to be. But why waste the effort?
2. What kind of girl am I?You are the classic southern belle. You are kind, proper, responsible, and very adult like. You attend church every Sunday and you have grace, poise, and are very dainty. You are mature beyond your years and prefer gentlemen of well kept families for your marrying. But don't be afraid to break loose from your corset strings once and awhile and just have some fun. You're only a kid once.
3. What kind of guy would I go for?You love the loners. Guys who seem misunderstood and lonely just steal your heart away. You want to reach out your hand to them because you can see how truly wonderful they could be if someone would just take the time to care. Some day your open love will reward you with a hidden jewel beyond measure.
4. What type of killer am I?You are a protector. Yes, you don't like to kill people. That goes against everything you belive in. It's not that you are a coward, but your ideals and morals wouldn't allow it. You are the typical hero, do the righteous things, get the bad guys and do it all legally. But just because you don't kill doesn't mean you can't kick ass. And that is what you do. You use your brain and your strenght to do honourable deeds and protect people you know and love. If an evil guy is going to take over the world soon, it's you who will get involved. You hate watching innocents suffer, and love seeing bad people getting what they deserve. You are probably also happy and optimistic and work pretty good in groups. And the friends you usually make are true ones.
Main weapon: Anything at all Expression: Smile
Quote: "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough"
5. Am I a nice person?
You're a good person. You know how to be nice without being OVERLY nice...You always try to think of others and their needs, but you know that it's impossible to please everyone and you are willing to accept people as they are. That's great!
6. How Insane am I?
Dude you have split personality.get help...please rate!!!
Oh my god!
Am I an evil or just purely a timid person?
I'm really confused.
Everyone knows that the "green seat" in a bus is meant for those people who need it more we do, however today, without any choices, I sat on that "green seat" beside a guy around my age.
So what? You might be thinking that way right?
At one of the bus stop through my journey, there was a lady carrying a little boy around 3 years old boarded the bus. Ethically, I should give up my seat to them because it was so obvious that they needed the seat more than I did & I believed the guy beside me did think that way too at that moment coz I saw him turned & looked at me!
Though in my heart & mind I knew I should do that but the devil inside me kept telling me, "No, you'll embarrassed yourself if she declined!" I held back & acted as though I never saw them. I felt really ashamed of myself coz I always listen to the devil inside me during these kind of situations.
My memory flashed back to that particular scene which happened a few years ago where the devil won again...
That incident happened at Tampines interchange. That afternoon, I was on my way back home from my dental checkup at Tampines. On my way towards Tampines MRT station, I past by the Mcdonalds in the interchange & suddenly I saw a girl fainted directly right beside me but I just stood there like an idiot, too lost to react at that moment! My mind was totally in confusion state, thinking repeatedly "what should I do?!" Luckily, there were a few kind souls who immediately went to attend her & I heard the devil said, "You can go now, there are people helping her." Like an idiot, I obeyed the devil inside me!
I deeply believe that the angel inside me is totally disappointed with what I had ever done!
Although what done cannot be undone, I still feel very ashamed of myself...
Am I really evil?
"The character of every act depends upon the circumstances in which it is done. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr"
Yesterday was the first time I went to Pulau Ubin & I went with my primary school friends. On Sunday morning, the island was full of people! We rented the bicycles & set off immediately. I hadn't rode a bicycle for almost 5 years so it felt a bit weird when I started riding yesterday.
Less than 15 minutes after we started cycling, I lost control along a slope & crashed into an auntie's bike!!! Luckily that auntie was steady enough & didn't fall along with me, or else I'll feel guilty. But I had scratches on both of my palms & a few bruises on my left leg. :(
*Ouch* it was really painful!
They were all worried about me throughout the whole trip, reminding me to hold on to my brakes when they saw a downslope coming & asked me to keep to the side when they saw a car coming & so on, I felt sorry for being a burden. Somemore I'm always the slowest & they had to wait for me all the time...
After 4 hours of cycling the whole island, I went home with the injuries, a tanned skin, a tired body & most importantly, less fats!!! haha & It seems like quite a fruitful trip huh... :þ
"Lead the life that will make you kindly and friendly to everyone about you, and you will be surprised what a happy life you will lead." - Charles M. Schwab
You must be wondering what had happen to my previous posts, right?
I had deleted everything together with all my unhappy memories...
This shall be a New Start for my blog but not me... well... I'm actually a happy-go-lucky girl ^0^ thus, I'm just going back to what I used to be therfore it's just going back & not a new start.
All the best to my "New Blog" !!!
"Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking." - Marcus Aurelius Antoninus