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LoVe Is LiKe a FiReWoRk, It Is ExTrEmElY BeAuTiFuL WhEn It SpArKs... LeAvInG BeHiNd ThE AsH Of LoVe WhEn It DiEs... By CaSeY

Tomorrow is my last paper! Yay!!!


I'm not even halfway done with my revision!!! Argggggg.......

The moment I had memorised THIS, I forgot THAT...

Then I memorised THAT again, I forgot THIS!!!

Sigh... never ending revision. I can NEVER memorise notes even if you give me 10 years...

Conclusion: My brain is never meant for memorising!


"Doing easily what others find difficult is talent; doing what is impossible for talent is genius."


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I love travelling and I have a long bucket list to fulfill

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