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LoVe Is LiKe a FiReWoRk, It Is ExTrEmElY BeAuTiFuL WhEn It SpArKs... LeAvInG BeHiNd ThE AsH Of LoVe WhEn It DiEs... By CaSeY

China bridegroom dies with guests (adapted from BBC news)

"A bridegroom and 15 of his wedding guests have died after his vehicle plunged off a cliff in central China. It is not yet known whether the bride was one of the victims."

Isn't it sad? It was supposed to be a happy day for everyone.
Isn't it cruel if the wife was not one of the victims?

I was quite surprised to know the fact that...

"China has the deadliest roads in the world, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Official estimates say 100,000 die on China's roads every year but the WHO says the road toll is double this figure. "

Are everything destined to happen? Are every paths that we take are pre-planned?

If we didn't take the path we are at now, where will we be? How different will our life be?

Maybe the persons that we will be crossing our paths with are pre-planned before even we are born... thus, we always say we are fated to meet..

Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.~ Marcus Aurelius


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