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LoVe Is LiKe a FiReWoRk, It Is ExTrEmElY BeAuTiFuL WhEn It SpArKs... LeAvInG BeHiNd ThE AsH Of LoVe WhEn It DiEs... By CaSeY

................. Cute!!!

I rejected the offer by my company as a perm staff.

Today while he was walking behind me,

he mumbled like a child...

"why did you reject our offer?"

I turned around & smiled at him awkwardly...

"Want me to talk to you?" He asked.

I immediately shouted "NO!!" & scurried away!

Ha ha

I admit I'm a soft hearted person.

People used my weakness to take advantage of me sometimes.

But today my senior pleaded me to reconsider to stay...

I wavered again.

I'm so useless! So wishy washy!!!

Between Favor & Prospects, I know the latter is more important...isn't it?

“Indecision is the graveyard of good intentions”


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I love travelling and I have a long bucket list to fulfill

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