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LoVe Is LiKe a FiReWoRk, It Is ExTrEmElY BeAuTiFuL WhEn It SpArKs... LeAvInG BeHiNd ThE AsH Of LoVe WhEn It DiEs... By CaSeY


My brother knew I'll be sad if I look at these photos but he still sent them to me.

It's really sad but touching ~~~

A dog was seen in the middle of busy street caring for its friend, which had been hit by a car.
Using its paw, the dog tried to wake its already-dead friend....

The dog kept trying to push its dead friend out of the road.
When people tried to help, it barked and turned away whoever attempting to get near.

Even in heavy traffic, the dog just won't leave its friend.

Witnesses were touched that even an ordinary dog can be so loyal !

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself. ~ Josh Billings


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I love travelling and I have a long bucket list to fulfill

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