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LoVe Is LiKe a FiReWoRk, It Is ExTrEmElY BeAuTiFuL WhEn It SpArKs... LeAvInG BeHiNd ThE AsH Of LoVe WhEn It DiEs... By CaSeY

1st May 2006, Labour Day.

Today is Clairer's convocation day.

This is the day in my 25 years of life that I first stepped into Jade in Fullerton Hotel.

Oh my god, Fullerton Hotel is so grand!

This is also the day in my 25 years of life that I ever tried a little little bit of goose's liver, the rest of the goose's liver was passed to Clairer's dad.

Couldn't convince myself to eat the goose's liver which Karen told me it tasted like beancurb.

Really have to thank Jean, Clairer's sister for that sumptuous meal!

I'm having sore and swollen eye now... *sobs*

Thanks to that dirty contact len....

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." ~ Albert Einstein


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